Denim Update
These Jeans Make a Difference
Just not quite yet
Well, April has come and gone, the month we had planned to launch our new sustainable denim jeans, like everyone, we’ve had to quickly adapt to the circumstances we find ourselves in. We’re transparent in everything we do and it’s important to reflect this in both the good times and the difficult ones.
So here's where we're at.
We love denim and have poured a lot of love and dedication into this project over the last twelve months but we also care deeply for our factories and their workforce, so when they along with our supply chain made the difficult decision to close we were in full support.
What next.
Over the past month, we’ve been agonising over what’s the right course of action to take and we think we have found a solution that can help everyone - Kickstarter.
Why Kickstarter?
We're a micro-business, smaller than small, but these jeans represent so many others.
To support our factory, their workers and our supply chain we want to increase our order quantity, we also want to be accurate in supplying only the demand ensuring we are not overproducing or creating excess waste. Our focus is also to make sure everybody is safe when the world starts tentatively getting back to business. Kickstarter will enable us to achieve this by essentially collecting pre-orders and opening up our offer to a wider audience.
We are intent on releasing our new denim jeans at a fair price for such a high quality and sustainable product, and because we want everyone to be able to make better choices with their denim we will be releasing the first 50-100 pairs at an unbelievable price.
So, if your thinking of purchasing a new pair of denim jeans or looking for the most sustainable option, if you can hold off just that little bit longer, you won’t be disappointed with ours and you’ll be doing the world of good!
In the meantime, you can read more about our sustainable denim on the website and sign up to the waitlist, we'll be sure to let you know more as soon as we do.